Six-week League perfect for players who have moved beyond the basics and are looking to enhance their skills, gain more competitive experience, and enjoy the social aspects of pickleball in a structured environment.


Tuesday : 1:00PM- 3:00PM  (Starts 6/25)


BCPC Indoors


6-Weeks: Starting 6/25 (excluding week of July 4th) – 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6


Skill Level: Advanced Beginner
Six-week League designed for players who are looking to refine their skills, compete at a higher level, and enjoy the social aspects of pickleball.


Wednesday : 1:00PM- 3:00PM  (Starts 6/26)


BCPC Indoors


6-Weeks: Starting 6/26 (excluding week of July 4th) – 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7,24, 7/31, 8/7


Skill Level: Low Intermediate
The Amazon is the largest “River” in the World.  BCPC is proud to introduce “The Amazon” which is a 6-Week version of “The River”, but we will keep records of the results and ultimately crown the “Ruler of The River”.


Thursday Nights: 8:00-10:00 PM  (Starts 6/6)


BCPC Indoors


6-Weeks: Starting 6/6 (excluding July 4th) – 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25


16 players will be randomly assigned to the 4 courts.
Skill Level: Intermediate and above
Court 1 is the “top court” and Court 4 is the “bottom court”
One Game to 11 (win by 1)
Once 3 of the 4 games finish, the lone remaining game will be moved to “rally scoring”
Players on each court will report results to the BCPC facilitator

Duration: 2 hours


Paid Members- $29
Starter Members – $33


16 players across two adjacent levels will be assigned to each of our 4 courts.
Players will play eight 15-minute timed games over a 2-hour session.
At the end of each game, the 2 winning players will move up a court then split up.  The 2 losing players will go down a court then split up.
At the end of the session the top players will finish out on Court 1, and the bottom players will finish on Court 4.
This ensures the top performing players are competing with each other regularly.
This is a great way to elevate yourself from the BCPC group you were placed in to the next level up.
It’s 2 hours of non-stop play (no byes)!